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英語圏児童文学会 東日本支部春の例会 【2024】


◆お問い合わせ:Peatixの「主催者へ連絡」、または jscleast[アットマーク]gmail.comまでメールでお知らせください。

場所:共立女子大学 神田一ツ橋キャンパス *棟と部屋は4月以降、お知らせします。
   最寄駅 神保町駅A8出口


12:30-13:20  アーリーキャリア・フォーラム:ネットワーキング(対面のみ、昼食持ち込み可)

13:20 オンライン参加者入室開始
13:30 例会 開会
13:35-14:10  研究発表 司会:西村醇子
シーエン(アリス)ミョウ(日本女子大学大学院 博士課程)
「はろるどの冒険と翻訳: 自由意志の存在とメタフィクション性の探求」

14:30  英語圏児童文学会 東日本支部 支部会

15:00 講演:菱田信彦(川村学園女子大学) 司会:松本祐子 
「“They should at least see what they’re picking up” :ハリー、ロン、ハーマイオニーそれぞれの “人種問題” へのとり組み」 *講師紹介:川村学園女子大学教授。専門は英米の小説、児童文学。ご著書に『快読「赤毛のアン」』(彩流社、2014)、『快読「ハリー・ポッター」』(小鳥遊書房、2022)、 訳書にブライアン・アトベリー『ファンタジー文学入門』(共訳、大修館、1999)がある。

17:00 例会終了

17:30-19:00 懇親会 リブコモカフェ・ラシュレ 共立女子大学 神田一ツ橋キャンパス2号館2階
*会員・非会員を問いません。学生2, 000円 一般4,000円

英語圏児童文学会 東日本支部

The Third International Conference of the Modernist Studies in Asia Network (MSIA)

Modernism between Past and Future
31 May – 2 June 2024
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Submission deadline:
January 15, 2024

Keynote Speakers:
Jed Esty (The University of Pennsylvania)
Christopher Bush (Northwestern University)

Roundtable Speakers from Various Locations

Call for Papers
Modernism is often characterized by an acute sense of a break from the past, yet the shadow of the past also haunts its imaginings of futurity. For Constance Chatterley, living “among the ruins” doesn’t preclude the human endeavor to “build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes,” though “there is now no smooth road into the future.” Leopold Bloom, too, finds himself at the interstices between “the irreparability of the past” and “the imprevidibility of the future.” If the mixing of “memory and desire,” as Eliot depicts it, engenders an insidious form of cruelty, it also captures modernism inhabiting what Hannah Arendt calls “an interval in time which is altogether determined by things that are no longer and by things that are not yet.” Such intervals, for Arendt, transform freedom in a public sense. Thinking in interdisciplinary terms, we ask: how does Modernism locate a space where past and future become entangled, where remembrance and anticipation are summoned to reconceptualize their significance?

Furthermore, the continued growth of scale—spatiotemporally, archivally, and textually—in modernist studies at once paves the way and makes demands for understanding the complexities of cultural and intellectual history across geographical boundaries. It also calls for a renewal of attention to narrative, aesthetic, and critical practices that vitally strengthen or disrupt connections between the past, the present, and the future.

This conference invites paper and panel proposals that explore modernism’s retrospective and prospective moments, themes, and practices. In what ways is modernism related to or disconnected from specific intellectual and living traditions? How do modernism’s revolt against and reconfiguration of the legacy of the past bear upon its transcultural reception, adaptation, and evaluation? And how might a retrospective or prospective emphasis contribute to or complicate the development of global modernist studies? We welcome papers that focus on textual analysis, cultural studies, historiographical discussions, theoretical and methodological reflections, as well as interdisciplinary work on art, cinema, theater, and other cultural products.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Please send proposals of approximately 250–300 words for individual papers, or 500–600 words for panels, together with short bios, to by January 15, 2024. Participants will be notified in February, 2024.

Conference Organizers:
Nan Zhang
Tong King Lee
Nicholas Y. H. Wong
Vivien, Yan Wei
