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Application Rules for Research Presentations at the 97th General Meeting

1. Only members of the Society can present a paper (membership fee for the year 2024 must be paid prior to submitting an application). In the case of joint research presentations, at least one of the applicants must be a member. Each member can only submit one application, whether for an individual or joint research.

2. Research presentations will be accepted from a wide range of fields, including British literature, American literature, literature of the English-speaking world, English linguistics and English education. (In the case of comparative studies, English texts or data must be included.)

3. The contents of the presentation should be limited to those which have not been previously presented at a conference or published in any journal.

4. Submissions of the same paper to other academic societies are strictly prohibited.

5. Presentations should not exceed 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes for questions and answers).

6. We will accept applications via Google Forms only. Please fill in the following items in the Google Forms at the link below.
*Application by email will be accepted only if your abstract includes figures or tables that cannot be submitted via this form. Please send the following three files to
1) abstract; 2) a short summary of the abstract; and 3) a file containing the required information as shown below.
  • E-mail address(es)
    *Please note that your e-mail address will be shared among all the people involved in the organization of the conference, including session chairs.
  • Name(s)
  • Affiliation(s) and post(s)
    *If you are a student member, please check the relevant box.
  • Contact address(es)
  • Phone number(s)
  • Abstract (title and abstract): Abstract should be 600-750 words in English.
    *The title must be written in English if you intend to present your paper in English. If you need to use languages other than English for your title, please put “(Presentation language: English)” at the end of the title. Do not include any identifying information such as names or acknowledgements.
  • Short Summary of the abstract (about 150 words in English)
    *Please put the title at the beginning (this is not included in the word count). The applicant's name, acknowledgements, etc. should not be included. Please note in advance that if your presentation is accepted, the short summary of the abstract will be published in the conference program (to be distributed in March next year) as submitted at the time of application.

  • 7. The deadline for application is 23:59, November 1, 2024 (JST).

    8. A copy of your application will be automatically sent to the email address you entered on the Google Forms. If you need to make any corrections, please access the Google Forms again from the email, overwrite the relevant items, and resubmit it. If you do not receive an automatic reply email within one day of submitting your application via the form, please contact .

    9. After the application deadline has passed, the administrative staff will contact all applicants by November 4, 2024. If you do not receive this notification, please contact .

    10. Dates and time slots for presentations will be determined by the conference organizing committee, and applicants will be notified of the selection results by late December.

    11. The meeting will be held face-to-face.