Sophia University Center for the Teaching of Foreign Languages in General Education invites applications for contract-teaching positions. If you wish to apply, please send your c.v. (including date of birth ) to the following address:

  Center for the Teaching of Foreign Languages in General Education
                Sophia University
        7-1 Kioi-Cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8554

Applications due: 14 September, 2007.
Selection process: Applications will be screened. Several applicants will be invited to interviews, probably in October. Interviews in English cover academic and teaching competence.
Position: Contract lecturer (Shokutaku koshi)
Qualifications: Relevant MA or above with special competence in language teaching. Native English speaker or equivalent
Subjects: English skills (Speaking, Writing, Reading)
Class sizes: Mostly from twenty to forty
Semesters: From April to late July and from October to early February with a Christmas-New Year break.
Office: Shared office furnished with a desk, a chair, a telephone and a network plug but no computers.
Conditions: One-year contract, renewable twice (Maximum three years in total)
Salary: Depends on data in your resume and a complex formula calculated by Personnel, but usually between 300,000 and 500,000 yen a month with bonuses twice a year after the first six months.

Sophia University was founded by Jesuit missionaries in 1913 with a distinctly international orientation with the aim of offering the Japanese public a view of the academic side of the Catholic Church working together with people of all faiths. It has over 1,000 graduate students and 10,000 undergraduates in eight faculties.