

論 文
 ―舞台の周縁部分の使い方について― .................. 市川真理子  1
メアリ・ウルストンクラフトの分別と多感 ................ 石幡直樹  15
カスターブリッジの町長の女性性 ........................ 服部美樹  29

書 評
Masako Hirai: Sisters in Literature--Female
 Sexuality in Antigone, Middlemarch, Howards End
 and Women in Love .................................... 簗田憲之  41
草光俊男著『明け方のホルン―西部戦線と英国詩人』....... 園井英秀  44
福島富士男著『アフリカ文学読み始め』................... 中井亜佐子 49
Christopher Looby: Voicing America: Language, Literary
 Form, and the Origins of the United States ........... 大井浩二  52
Richard Godden: Fictions of Labor: William Faulkner
 and the South’s Long Revolution ..................... 小山敏夫  57
Christopher Cannon: The Making of Chaucer’s
 English: A Study of Words ............................ 松本博之  61
Samuel David Epstein, Erich M. Groat, Ruriko Kawashima,
 and Hisatsugu Kitahara: A Derivational Approach to
 Syntactic Relations .................................. 石居康男  66
Akio Kamio: Territory of Information .................. 西山佑司  71
Shalom Lappin and Elabbas Benmamoun (eds.): 
 Fragments: Studies in Ellipsis and Gapping ........... 岡田禎之  77
Heizo Nakajima: Locality and Syntactic Structures...... 大島  新  82
 コーパス言語学的研究へ』 ............................. 田島松二  89
吉村あき子著『否定極性現象』........................... 樗木勇作  93

雑 録
日本英文学会第22回新人賞選評・第23回新人賞規定 ...................  99
投稿規定 ......................................................... 100


論 文
賃金の浪費:精液の浪費 ――『はつかねずみと人間』
 におけるセクシュアリティー―― ....................... 中 川 葉 子 103
                                                   (Nakagawa, Youko)
Henderson the Rain Kingの時代錯誤、あるいは適時性
  ――Saul Bellowと1950年代アメリカ――................ 片 渕 悦 久 117
                                                (Katafuchi, Nobuhisa)
騒音の芸術--Ulysses、未来派、ファシズム ............... 中山 徹    131
                                                    (Nakayama, Toru)

書 評

Dorrit Cohn: The Distinction of Fiction ............... 遠藤健一    145
 ――現代アイルランドの詩神――』 ..................... 櫻井正一郎  149
齋藤  衞著『シェイクスピアと聖なる次元
 ――材源からのアプローチ――』........................ 玉泉八州男  154
Shoichiro Sakurai(ed.): The View from Kyoto:
 Essays on Twentieth-Century Poetry ................... 飯野友幸    158
Hazel V. Carby: Cultures in Babylon:
 Black Britain and African America .................... 大池真知子  161
Russ Castronovo: Fathering the Nation: 
     American Genealogies of Slavery and Freedom ...... 田中久男    165
Michel Delville: The American Prose Poem  ............. 富山英俊    170
Lewis Ellingham and Kevin Killian: Poet Be Like God: 
     Jack Spicer and the San Frafrancisco Renaissance
Peter Gizzi: The House that Jack Built: The Collected
 Lectures of Jack Spicer .............................. 小泉純一    173
森岡裕一、藤谷聖和、田中紀子、花岡  秀、貴志雅之共著
 『酔いどれアメリカ文学―アルコール文学文化論――』....... 宮脇俊文    177
Adam Zachary Newton: Facing Black and Jew: Literature
 as Public Space in Twentieth-Century America ......... 坂野明子    182
Edward L. Widmer: Young America: 
 The Flowering of Democracy in New York City .......... 高野一良    186
Valentina Bianchi: Consequences of Antisymmetry:
 Headed Relative Clauses .............................. 中川直志    190
Douglas Biber, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech,
 Susan Conrad, Edward Finegan: Longman Grammar of
 Spoken and Written English ........................... 安藤貞雄    195
Frederick J. Newmeyer: Language Form and
 Language Function .................................... 江連和章    200
Villy Rouchota & Andreas H. Jucker (eds.): 
     Current Issues in Relevance Theory ............... 山負p一    206
Juan Uriagereka: Rhyme and Reason: An Introduction
 to Minimalist Syntax ................................. 鎌田浩二    210

雑 録
日本英文学会第23回新人賞選評・第24回新人賞規定 ...................  217
日本英文学会第72回大会報告 .......................................  221
寄贈本一覧 .......................................................  257
投 稿 規 定 ......................................................  263


Yoko Abe, Boundaries of Familiarity: Epistolary Theory and
 the Publication of Private Correspondence in Seventeenth-
 Century England ..................................................   1
Yuriko Morita, Featureless Faces: Virginia Woolf and Portrait-
 Painting .........................................................  21
Kumiko Sato: Post-Faulkner: Toni Morrison’s
 The Bluest Eye and “Gaze” in the Postcolonial Contexts .........  39

William Baker & William M. Clarke (eds.): The Letters of
 Wilkie Collins  (Graham Law) .....................................  59
Denis Donoghue: The Practice of Reading (Peter Robinson) ..........  67
Susan Frye and Karen Robertson (eds.): Maids and Mistresses,
 Cousins and Queens: Women’s Alliances in Early Modern
 England (Akiko Kusunoki) .........................................  74
Barbara Johson: The Feminist Difference: Literature,
 Psychoanalysis, Race, and Gender (Yoko Ima-Izumi) ................  79
Peter Clemoes (ed.): AElfric’s Catholic Homilies.
 The First series: Text (Tadao Kubouchi) ..........................  85
Betty J. Birner & Gregory Ward: Information Status and
 Noncanonical Word Order in  English (Yoko Fujii) .................  93
Jacek Fisiak & Akio Oizumi (eds.): English Historical
 Linguistics and Philology in Japan (Christian J. Kay) ............ 100
David E. Johnson & Shalom Lappin: Local Constraints vs.
 Economy (Tomoyuki Tanaka) ........................................ 106
Hiroshi Ogawa: Studies in the History of Old English
 Prose (Malcolm Godden) ........................................... 111
Paul M. Postal (ed.): Three Investigations of
 Extraction (Makoto Kondo) ........................................ 117

Synopses of the Articles Published in the Japanese Numbers, 2000 .. 127
Index: 2000-2001 .................................................. 135
