

論   文
『ユートピア』と境界線 ................................ 川田 潤 1
                            (Jun Kawata)
The Inheritors: 「獣」へ向けての架橋 ................... 宮原一成 15
                            (Kazunari Miyahara)
Mistress Prynneの罪と罰
 --The Scarlet Letterと初期植民地の階級-- ............ 入子文子 9
                            (Fumiko Iriko)
補部に見られる島の効果について ........................ 平田一郎 47
                            (Ichiro Hirata)
書   評
Henrietta Leyser: Medieval Women. A Social History of
Women in England 450-1500 ............................. 和田葉子 61
藤井治彦著『イギリス・ルネサンス詩研究』................ 圓月勝博 64
Claudia L. Johnson: Equivocal Beings: Politics, 
 Gender, and Sentimentality in the 1790s ............... 鈴木美津子 68
Sally Shuttleworth: Charlotte Bronte and 
 Victorian Psychology .................................. 白井義昭 72
福岡忠雄著『虚構の田園--ハーデイの小説』 .............. 新妻昭彦 77
 --ペイター没後百年記念論文集--』 .................... 都留信夫 81
 -≪新しい共和国≫の神話とイデオロギー』 ............. 佐藤宏子 86
Elaine G. Breslaw: Tituba, Reluctant Witch of Salem:
 Devilish lndians and Puritan Fantasies .............. 中田 崇 90
 --トニ・モリスンの文学』 ............................. 鵜殿えりか 94
Liliane Haegeman: The Syntax of Negation .............. 佐藤英志  99
中村捷著『束縛関係--代用表現と移動--』 ................ 秋山正宏 104
William Labov: Principles of Linguistic Change.
 volume 1: Internal Factors .......................... 小倉美恵子 109

雑   録     
日本英文学会第20回新人賞入選発表・第21回新人賞規定 ................. 119
投稿規定 .......................................................... 120


論   文
Far from the Madding Crowdにおける時間の管理者たち ..... 金子幸男 123
(Time-Managers in Far from the Madding Crowd)   (Kaneko,Yukio)
教会堂としてのMoby-Dick ................................ 竹内勝徳 133
(Moby-Dick as a Temple)               (Takeuchi,Katsunori)

On Some General Characteristics of Prenominal
Relative Clauses ...................................... 田子内健介 147
The Speaker and the Reader in Keats's Odes ............. 兼武道子 165
書   評
Thorlac Turville-Petre:England the Nation:
Language,Literature,and National Identity
 1290-1340 ............................................. 菊池清明 181
Lisa Jardine:Reading Shakespeare Historically ......... 小町谷尚子 185
湯浅信之訳『ジョン・ダン全詩集』 ....................... 吉中孝志  190
Robert D. Spector: Smollett's Women: A Study
 in an Eighteenth-Century Masculine Sensibility
 Aileen Douglas: Uneasy Sensations: Smollett
 and the Body ......................................... 山本和平 195
John Schad(ed.): Dickens Refigured: Bodies,
 Desires and Other Histories ........................... 山本史郎 199
 ダンディズム』 ......................................... 正大建治 203
鈴木善三著『イギリス諷刺文学の系譜』 ................... 伊藤 誓 207
 近代自我〈彷程〉の軌跡』 ............................. 植田和文 211
上岡克己著『森の生活一簡素な生活・高き想い』 ........... 後藤昭次 215
 アメリカ・アイディオロジー』 ......................... 福士久夫 220
 ものがたり』 ......................................... 鷲津浩子 224
Peter Clemoes : Interactions of Thought
 and Language in Old English Poetry .................... 苅部恒徳 227
Steven Bird : Computational Phonology:
 A Constraint-Based Approach ........................... 石原昌英 231
Bruce Connell and Amalia Arvaniti (eds.):
 Phonology and Phonetic Evidence: Papers
 in Laboratoy Phonology IV ............................. 大竹孝司 237
Jacques Durand and Francis Katamba (eds.):
 Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures,
 Derivations ........................................... 窪園晴夫 241
 原理−』 ............................................. 荒木一雄 245
Takashi Otake and Anne Cutler (eds.):
 Phonological Structure and Language Processing:
 Cross-Linguistic Studies (Speech Research 12) ......... 南條健助 249
Robert A. Cnametzky: A Theory of Phrase Markers
 and the Extended Base ................................. 中村良夫 252
Ilse Depraetere: The Tense System in English
 Relative Clauses: A Corpus-based Analysis ............. 小川 勉 257
Lyn Frazier and Charles Clifton, Jr.: Construal ........ 坂本 勉 261
Talmy Givon: Functionalism and Grammar ................. 高見健一 266
Crereon Muller: A-bar Syntax: A Stuy in
 Movement Types ........................................ 乗原和生 270
Toshiyuki Ogihara: Tense, Attitudes, and Scope ......... 今仁生美 275
John R. Taylor: Possessives in English:
 An Exploration in Cognitive Grammar ................... 早瀬尚子 280

雑   録
日本英文学会第20回新人賞選評・第21回新人賞規定 .................... 285
日本英文学会第69回大会報告 ........................................ 290
寄贈本一覧 ........................................................ 328
投稿規定 .......................................................... 335


Yoshiko Kobayashi: Spider's Web in Edmund Spenser's Amoretti ........ 1
Rebecca E. Martin:Spectacle and Closure in the Gothic:Lessons
 from Film Theory ................................................. 23
Asako Nakai:"I Know As Much As Sammy Now”‥Joyce Cary's
 Epistemology of Afiica ........................................... 41
Saeko Nagashima:Transition in the House-Imagery of Waugh's
 Novels ........................................................... 53
Naoko Fuwa Thornton: Voices and Aphasia in EudoraWelty's
 "The Demonstrators" .............................................. 69
Peter O'Connor: The Weapon of Language: Basic English and the
 Battle Against Obscurantism in the Years of Anglo-Japanese
 Alienation ....................................................... 83

Shirley Nelson Garner and Madelon Sprengnether(eds.):
 Shakespearen Tragedy and Gender(HarumiTakemura) .................. 95
Fritz Senn:Inductive Scrutinies: Focus on Joyce
 (Takashi Suzuki) ................................................. 100
Deborah M. Garfield and Rafia Zafar (eds.): Harriet Jacobs
 and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Atsuko Furomoto) ...... 105
Noel Polk: Children of the Dark House: Text and Context
 in Faulkner (Ikuko Fuiihira) ..................................... 110
Toshio Watanabe (ed.): Reading American Literature
 (Keiko Beppu) .................................................... 115
Cynthia L. Allen: Case Marking and Reanalysis: Grammatical
 Relations from Old to Early Modern English (Tomoyuki Tanaka) ..... 121
R.T.Page: Chronicles of Vikings: Records, Memorials
 and Myths (Tadamasa Nishimura) ................................... 127
Jane Roberts and Christian Kay with Lynne Grundy: A Thesaurus of
 Old English (Hideki Watanabe) .................................... 132
Werner Abraham et al. (eds.): Minimal Ideas: Syntactic Studies in the
 Minimalist Framework (Tatsuya Suzuki) ............................ 138
Proceedings of the 1994 ELLAK International Symposium (Graham
 Bradshaw and Frances Fister-Stoga) ............................... 143

Synopses of the Articles Pubhshed in the Japanese Numbers,1997 ... 159
Index:1997−1998 ................................................. 169
